Just received this email from Threshold House...
"Colour Sound Oblivion - Coil's Official Live Video boxset - Advance Patrons Edit
We are very pleased to announce: The first 200 copies only of Colour Sound Oblivion may be reserved now, for the special price of £175 each including free postage and packaging for delivery of both the frame and the DVD box set. For this you will receive a framed Certificate confirming your Patronage, to be dispatched before Christmas if you order by Dec 10th, and will be among the first 200 to receive the Collection when it is made. It is our intention to have finished Boxes ready for dispatch by March 2010. Not only that but the Patrons Edition will contain extras, yet to be confirmed, over and above the regular edition (which, once the boxes are in stock, will be have a standard price of £175 plus postage and packaging)! Colour Sound Oblivion will consist of at least 12 dvds of all the Incarnations of Coil Live, with simultaneous Projection channels, plus at least 2 discs of alternate versions Projections with "karaoke" backing tracks and audio loops, which you can use to remake Coil Live in your own image. A minimum of 14 dvds, possibly more - the final total depends on the last bits of compiling being done by the end of the year. More information, including an 'artists' impression' of the finished box, and a list of the final shows, will be posted when it is confirmed. Please note that some of the shows were shot with multiple cameras and edited "professionally", while others were shot by audience members on a single camera only, and are presented for the historical record. In all cases the videos are the best available, and have been mastered in multi-region, universally playable format, to maximise your enjoyment. Colour Sound Oblivion will also contain a large collection of 6" × 4" postcards of personal snaps and images from behind the scenes on the road with Coil, which may be displayed in the frame Patrons receive with their Certificate, as well as various special personal objects and gifts, related to Coil's performances. This long awaited project is finally nearing completion! Do not miss this opportunity to reserve your copy now, become a Patron of the Project, as well as benefiting from this special offer. Click here to order from the Threshold House store." |
How much was the Beastbox?
True. Suppose I'm just upset that I can't afford it. Q.Q
I didn't have the money either, so missed the initial burst, but i'll order it in February when I get my annual bonus......
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